Queen Mab visited me Thursday night, and she brought all the stress that I didn't think I was feeling about understudying. In my dream, I didn't know entire scenes, the stage was gigantic and Brendan was actually there, which was confusing because I went on for him. And I kept waking up from, only to fall back into another version of it. Actor nightmares are intense and exhausting! (Somebody should write a play about them). So, I didn't get much sleep as I prepared to take over Mercutio this weekend. There is undoubtedly magic that happens in theatre. Like all real magic, it requires effort, energy, and ritual. And like all real magic, there is a cost. (The price I paid for appearing young, athletic, and sexy has been near bed rest for the last two days. But the price was worth it). Magic demands payment. Now, there are serendipitous moments of accidental magic, which don't take a toll, but what I'm really talking about is something intentional and astonishing! I ...